BrainUp DMCC Is Home to Top Content Experts

Hundreds of students, scholars, and businesses from all over the world trust BrainUp DMCC with their most important tasks. They let us pick the most relevant experts for their short and long-term projects.

Need help making your content flawless? Or just looking for a professional translator or tutor? No matter the complexity of your project or deadline, we will connect you with the needed expert in just 15 minutes.

The peculiarity of our agency is the individual approach to each client along with extensive knowledge of best practices.

Top quality services
By working with BrainUp DMCC, you choose quality and reliability. Over 15,000 customers count on us for over 5 years.
Free corrections
If you want us to make some corrections to your translated, proofread or edited text, we will do it free within 14 days.
On-time delivery
We always stick to the client’s deadlines. To date, only 1,5% of all deadlines were missed due to technical issues.
Status updates
If you’d like to find out the status of your project, contact us 24/7, and we’ll provide you with the needed information.

Frequently asked questions

How do I know the price for my project?

BrainUp DMCC is a trusted online agency where you can find a suitable expert for any project and budget. Our experts are freelancers who set their own prices for services.

To get a quote for your project, please contact our support team, and they will find a suitable expert for you and give you the exact price. Note that all prices are final and are not subject to change.

How can I pay for my project?

You can use any convenient and secure way to pay for your order. We recommend you to use recognized and trustworthy payment methods:

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • PayPal
  • Payza
  • M-Pesa
  • Wire Transfer

If you want to pay in any other way, please discuss it with our support team. If you need any assistance with making a payment, our support manager will gladly help you out.

How do I know that my payment is successful?

We will contact you right after we receive your money. Then, we’ll give you access to the direct chat with the chosen expert. From that moment on, you can communicate with your expert and discuss your project at any time.

Can I get a refund?

BrainUp DMCC is a risk-free service. We guarantee that you will receive the quality you expect. If the completed project doesn’t meet your initial instructions, you can make use of our 14-day free corrections period or claim a refund. Based on the chosen option, we will make corrections to your project or give your money back.

Do I have to pay anything if I want you to correct the delivered project?

Every customer gets 14-30 days of free unlimited corrections. If you want your expert to make changes to your project, just request a free correction. Please note that corrections are free only if they are based on the initial instructions provided by you during the order placement step.

How do I pay for the services of the chosen expert?

Our payment procedure is simple. Follow these 3 easy steps to pay for your order and get us started on your project.

  1. Check the price

Contact our support team and tell them what amount you can pay for your project (per hour of work). Wait for them to find an expert or several experts within your budget, check and confirm the price. At this stage, you need to make a payment. The money will not be released to the chosen expert until you receive your order.

  1. Make a payment

Pay for your order using a secure payment method (e.g., Visa, MasterCard or PayPal). If you need assistance with making a payment, reach out to our support team.

  1. Get a confirmation

We will contact you when we receive the payment. After that, the expert you have chosen will start working on your project.