Benefit from Joining Our Customer Network

BrainUp DMCC is not just a content designing, editing, proofreading, translation and tutoring agency but also a broad international community.

It consists of 15,000 customers and 2,500 freelance experts, 85% of whom are actively sharing their advice, feedback, and sample projects with customers.

Being a part of our customer network can benefit you in many ways:

  • You’ll get free access to our database of unique sample projects.
  • You’ll have a chance to use our samples as sources of ideas or templates for creating your own content.
  • You’ll be able to rate our experts and support specialists and leave your honest feedback about delivered works and experts’ performance.
  • You’ll get login details to your account, where you’ll be able to track your order in real time and make sure your project is on the right track.
  • You’ll have an opportunity to communicate with the chosen expert directly using our convenient and secure chat board. This option is only available to all members of our customer network.
  • You’ll no longer need to specify your contact details each time you place a new order as all information about you as a customer will be saved in your account. Order placement will take 5 minutes max.
  • You’ll take part in our Loyalty Program, get bonuses for every completed order and have a chance to save up to 100% on future projects!

Interested? Then don’t hesitate to join the BrainUp DMCC customer network today. It will take only a couple of minutes and won’t require any effort from your side. Just contact our support team, and they will create an account for you and send your login details to your inbox.

That’s it. When your account is set up, all you have to do to get access to all the benefits described above is log in.

Actually, pleasant surprises for our customers don’t end here. All of our registered users get emails with discount coupons from time to time. With these promo codes, you’ll save 10% to 30% on all types of projects.

If you also want to get codes and notifications about our special offers, simply contact our support representatives, tell them you’d like to join our mailing list and leave your email address.

We promise we won’t spam you, and you’ll be able to unsubscribe at any moment.

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